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Most important HubSpot plugins

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The eternal struggle between right and wrong, what is right and what makes you happy, has extended to the world of marketing. But what if what is right is at the same time what triggers your growth? Equation solved. HubSpot plugin, the unknown that we are going to clear up today.

what is HubSpot plugin? Context and History

From idea to reality. From project to methodology. This is how HubSpot and Inbound Marketing were born in 2004, when Brian Halligan and Dharmesh Shah observed that the way of buying was changing. The consumer experienced a change and no longer tolerated invasive ads. Who likes to be interrupted or chased? Simply, nobody. Neither do your customers. From this reflection was born the movement that would change the way of buying and selling all over the world, and that would later give companies the power to fall in love and attract potential audiences.

Over the years, and with the marketing backpack loaded with new approaches and tools, the growth platform was created with which marketing and sales would work together. And from there, its main working tools:

  • HubSpot CRM (manage customer information in one place).
  • CMS Hub (flexible content management).
  • Marketing Hub (successfully execute Inbound campaigns, increase traffic, convert leads and generate ROI).
  • Sales Hub (sales software to increase productivity and shorten business cycles).
  • Service Hub (customer service to facilitate interaction with consumers).

HubSpot plugins are complementary programs of the platform that extend the functions of applications or websites. In short, the place where it is applied, such as WordPress, acquires a new function. Here are some examples to make it easier to understand.

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Discover the most important HubSpot plugins

did you know that the first plugins in history were used in text editors in the 1970s? Thanks to them, we can now get a lot of additional functions for our programmes or websites. If you have a company and would like to try some of the main HubSpot plugins, but you are not quite sure, don't worry! The programme code with the new functions is exported to the plugin, so that if you want to uninstall it later, it will automatically restore the previous state.

5 most important HubSpot plugins:

It will make it easier to organise, monitor and nurture your business with sales opportunities and customers from a free platform. HubSpot's CRM has everything you need to nurture relationships with your customers, automate tasks, monitor interactions, manage contacts and personalise marketing actions. Forget about doing it manually.

Take note of its main features:

  • Collect lead information from contact forms.
  • Automatically records activity.
  • Manage the sales pipeline with information at a glance.
  • Chat with prospects and customers in real time.

Includes CRM management, abandoned cart recovery, email marketing, automation and analytics, among other things. Thanks to HubSpot's plugin, e-commerce has a great opportunity to grow its business and improve the conversion of visitors into leads and loyal customers to your brand. Some of its main features are:

  • Customer and order management in an easy-to-use CRM.
  • Synchronise online shop data with HubSpot.
  • Create and send emails to potential users.
  • Generate detailed customer and order reports for follow-up.
  • Create advertising campaigns on LinkedIn, Google, Facebook and Instagram.

If you have a WordPress website, it is very likely that you are spending a lot of your time designing forms that match your site, suit your audience and fit your philosophy. However, thanks to this plugin, you can make contacts enter directly into the lead management funnel. It is an ideal solution to create forms and insert them in an easy way.

Its features:

  • Quality support.
  • Possibility to integrate with other platforms.
  • Maximum functionality.
  • Easy to use.

  • 4- Plugin to open chats

Thanks to the HubSpot chat opener plugin you can insert an automatic chat window in headers or footers. It can also add a function to a DOM element and works via CSS or ID. The Chat opener for HubSpot is a kind of open source software. Connect with your website visitors in real time to convert leads, close business and offer the best support service to your customers.

With this tool you can embed your HubSpot blog in pages, articles or wherever you want. The plugin allows developers to pull content from a portal via the HubSpot API directly from their templates.

HubSpot connector features:

  • Configurable number of posts and columns.
  • Automatic fetching of blog posts via API.

would you like to enjoy these plugins on your website? With Occam Digital Agency it's easy, we can help you make the leap to HubSpot and enhance all its features.

give us a call!

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