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Design Virtual Reality experiences with Occam

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"An Australian, Jason Larke, experiences the live birth of his son. 4,000 kilometres separate him from the baby. From Chinchilla, a small town in Queensland and wearing Gear VR glasses, the engineer virtually attends the birth of his wife in a hospital room in Perth. A miracle, headlines the US newspaper Washington Post".

This is how the BBVA Innovation Center began its newsletter on VR. Technology and total immersion in a world that is increasingly within our reach have landed under the acronym of Virtual Reality.

It transports us to universes never dreamed of and fulfils science fiction proposals, making us the real protagonists of the stories told. Beyond our reality captured on video is the construction of virtual spaces and realities ready to generate immersive experiences, even in your own company. VR revolutionises business and allows consumers to immerse themselves and interact in a virtual environment through a simulation. It works!

That's why at Occam we design Virtual Reality experiences ready to be experienced with your headset. Looking for a digital agency in Madrid to help you take the plunge? Here we are!

Defining virtual reality

This revolutionary concept has been defined as an environment of real-looking objects and scenes created by means of computer technology. It is capable of creating in the user the sensation of being immersed in it and observing reality from a device, which is normally a pair of glasses or a helmet. In addition, it can be accompanied by other special elements to achieve greater interaction with what surrounds it.

Its main objective is to immerse the user and make them participate in the environment. Although it is a technique widely used today, its origins date back to the 19th century, with the invention of the stereoscope. It was not until 1960 that Corneau and Bryan developed the first Virtual Reality helmet.

VR applications in business

With the variety of devices that exist on the market and the pervasiveness of the technologies among users, Virtual Reality is increasingly present in companies' projects. While we wait for generation Z, as well as other digital natives, to influence consumption, companies can adapt their businesses to this type of technology.

We are going to show you 4 uses that some brands are already making of this tool:

  • New business ideas. Creating unique Escape Room experiences from the comfort of your own home. You can feel the excitement and enjoy a new experience at home, with friends and family. Put on your glasses, solve riddles, combine clues and immerse yourself in an incredible adventure.
  • Marketing and sales: You've seen it in some real estate agencies. You can now take virtual tours of show flats or browse through built models. Or even have virtual meetings with real sales reps. Have you thought about the time you'll save?
  • App development: This is a unique business opportunity to serve users through corporate Apps, social networks, games, etc. According to Technology for Business, "approximately 75% of major brands have already integrated it into their marketing strategy to date".
  • Sale of related devices. There is an increasing demand, and that makes companies incorporate in their business the sale of VR-related technology (glasses, helmets, gloves, conditioned computers, specific software, equipment rental...).

can you think of anything else? Tell us your idea, we will make you a proposal to get the most out of Virtual Reality applied to your business.

Other applications of Virtual Reality

Its applications are infinite, although, until now, they have been focused almost entirely on the world of entertainment and video games.

Virtual Reality is present in flight simulators in the military professions, the simulation of activities in education, health to help people in recovery processes or in sports to train in game tactics.

It is clear that VR works in a multitude of sectors. In 2017, all the expectations for its boom were set for 2020, and now, they are fulfilled!

Benefits of implementing this technique among brands

As specialists in video production and design of immersive experiences ready to be experienced, many times, users ask us what are the possibilities of this technology applied to their business. Therefore, today we want to highlight 8 advantages that will help you solve this enigma:

  1. Improves engagement with the company and involves workers during training sessions (For example, VR can intervene in the onboarding of new members of your organisation who experience first-hand from day 1, what it is like to work in your company).
  2. It increases productivity and sales, as users spend more time in shops through virtual interaction.
  3. Itcan be applied in any sector where you can give directions to a visitor, customer, employee or user. (Some of our clients use it to show administrative staff what it's like to experience field operations - they've been managing them from the office for years and now they can see what it's like out there!)
  4. It is a new channel of communication with clients or customers, being able to interact with them in real time (connecting your headset and being able to enjoy a colleague's message as if you were in front of you is possible).
  5. It allows an error-free environment where everything can be measured through statistics.
  6. It offers the possibility to move through the facilities of supermarkets, museums, factories and shopping centres, among many other options. Ready for a virtual tour?
  7. Optimise some daily tasks and reduce costs, for example: operations in a logistics warehouse account for 20% of costs.
  8. Bring differential value and stand out from the competition.

At our digital agency, we bring your business closer to the immersive world. Create unique experiences and make your audience feel part of your story!

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