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Content manager: what is a content manager and what are their tasks?

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The world of digital marketing and social media is constantly evolving, and it is these changes that lead to the appearance of new figures and jobs. This is where we find the content manager, a role that is currently one of the most important within the digital marketing department of any company.

Today we tell you what this job is and what its main functions are. Read on to find out more about the content manager!

what is a content manager?

The content manager is responsible for the content strategy of a brand. Within the marketing department, he/she is in charge of managing, creating, improving and editing the content of the company's website, through the development of a content strategy to achieve the objectives set.

In general, the content manager is not the one who directly creates the content, but rather his main function is to define the strategy and coordinate the rest of the team. We should not confuse this job with that of the community manager, although both are related and collaborate with each other, they are not the same person. The CM is responsible for managing and energising the online community of a company, especially social networks. He coordinates with the content manager because when it comes to disseminating content, the role of community is key and guarantees better results.

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Main functions of the content manager

The content manager, as we have mentioned, is in charge of managing the company's content. In addition, the person in charge of this position leads the team, as he/she is the one who decides and develops the brand's digital content. It is clear that it is a position that requires creativity and leadership skills. Here is a list of his/her main tasks:

  • the first thing a content manager must do is to define the objectives, which must be aligned with the goal or goals of the overall digital marketing strategy.
    At this point, it is very important to have a clear profile of the buyer persona, as the content created will be aimed at them, as well as defining the topics to be covered, carrying out keyword research, the style and formats. Once everything is clear, design and develop the content strategy.
  • create a style guide. All the brand's contents must follow the same guidelines. The contents are part of the company's branding, so they must be coherent with each other.
    The content manager should write a style guide so that all employees know the rules and style when creating content, whether written or audiovisual.

  • Data reporting: A content manager analyses and measures data from previous campaigns, does SEO research and reviews audience behaviour, as this can vary, and understands website analytics to know if content is working or if changes need to be made, so they will do regular reviews of results following KPIs such as bounce rate, engagement, cost per click, web traffic, etc.
    Understanding and managing this data will help you make better decisions and reporting will be essential to have the information at hand at all times.

  • selecting the best tools for content creation. There are many different tools to facilitate the work, and it is the content manager who is responsible for studying and choosing the most appropriate ones. Some popular tools for content creation are: canva, semrush, hubspot, content insight or wordpress.

  • content supervision: Although, as we have said, this figure is not the one in charge of writing articles, he/she is the one who must review them. Not only the writing is supervised, but also the quality of the photos, graphics, infographics and videos, that everything is well laid out and that they are edited correctly.
    All the content created must be oriented towards search engine positioning, and the content manager is in charge of making sure that everyone is clear about SEO techniques.

  • Creation of an editorial calendar: It is necessary to draw up a content plan, indicating the types of content to be created, the publication dates and the people in charge of each task. This calendar must be available to all employees.

  • team supervision: As the person responsible for the content strategy, he or she is in charge of supervising and guiding everyone on the team, from the writers to the graphic designers.


why is the figure of the content manager important?

Throughout the post we have told you what a content manager is and the tasks of a content manager, now we bring you why it is important to have this profile in a company.

Currently it is very important to have a content marketing strategy for companies, as it helps to generate and maintain customers, as well as increase sales opportunities.

The content manager is responsible for the entire content strategy, so having a content manager allows a company to generate quality and relevant content for customers, in addition to improving results.

The main challenge they face on a daily basis is to create and disseminate original, quality content that provides value for the buyer persona in such a competitive market, as well as balancing this task with the right frequency to publish it.

we hope you have enjoyed this reading and have no doubts about what a content manager is!

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