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What happens when you bring all your marketing actions together in Inbound

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do you use marketing tools that don't work? SEO, SEM, email marketing campaigns with Mailchimp, content publications on blogs and social networks..

Separately, they can work (improve brand visibility on social networks, reinforce corporate image with branding, increase customer loyalty with email marketing, increase organic traffic), but together, they can be very effective. Aligning all marketing techniques allows brands to follow the same objective, respond to a buyer persona and follow the steps of a well-defined Inbound Marketing strategy.

if you have any doubts, watch the following video, Javier Gutiérrez gives us a preview of how important it is to combine all marketing strategies according to the needs of your buyer personas.

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Advantages of combining different techniques according to the needs of your buyer personas

Many brands wonder why the marketing tools they use are not working. Perhaps they have already had their first contact with digital marketing through social networks, email, websites, etc., but that does not mean that they are doing an effective campaign. They need to combine all their actions in a single strategy, and the methodology capable of achieving this is called Inbound Marketing.

Below, we show you the advantages of combining non-intrusive marketing and advertising techniques through Inbound:

  • Everything has a reason. In In Inbound, actions are not carried out in isolation, but are documented and connected with each other. The data obtained from each action helps us to know what, how and when to change a strategy or take an action (send a newsletter, create a content offer, etc.).
  • Optimisation of digital campaigns, with clear and present objectives from the beginning.
  • Increases the value delivered to the customer with each marketing action and improves the brand's relationship with them.
  • It generates traffic and quality leads. Companies with active blogs generate 67% more leads, and the more quality content they produce, the more visits they receive.
  • Increases audience trust and credibility. People are gradually fleeing the intrusiveness of Outbound Marketing techniques and moving towards valuable content that they can consume when they need it. Your potential customers don't want a cold call or an email that interrupts their journey.
  • Unification, which means: homogeneity. In Inbound, it's all about strategy.

No marketing action would make sense if you didn't do it with your buyer personas in mind. They are the cornerstone of the Inbound methodology, and all the planned actions of the project must revolve around this figure. The configuration of the campaign will depend on them, from the messages and channels, to the tone.

The definition of the buyer persona affects all areas of the campaign

In Inbound there are no 'buts' that prevent us from moving forward naturally in the strategy, but it is important to keep in mind the buyer persona we are targeting in each of our steps. Below, we show you 2 areas where the buyer persona influences your strategy:

  • Campaigns, blog and social media content or content pieces. And if you have different buyer personas, then you will also create different types of content.
  • Brand positioning in different channels. Each buyer persona is different, they have specific concerns, goals and needs. They even consult information in different channels and content. Because these factors are taken into account by brands that implement Inbound Marketing strategies, it is possible to design exactly how the company will be positioned in the different scenarios of consultation of the potential customer.

The more personalised your marketing actions are, the greater the value for users.

Align your marketing actions with your sales objectives

If there is an imminent benefit in aligning these departments, why don't many companies do it? The eternal debate continues to exist, perhaps because they work with different objectives, or perhaps for another reason, but the reality is that brands need to implement smarketing.

72% of marketers said in the 2017 Inbound report that "converting leads into sales opportunities was their top priority". In 2018, this figure rose to 75%. Based on these responses, the HubSpot team realised that marketing and sales were pursuing the same goal: company growth. And the more sales opportunities the marketing team generates, the more projects the sales team can close.

We tell you all this because the combination of marketing techniques must also take into account what the sales department is doing. Both form a team that can improve its activity with these brief tips:

  1. Align from the bottom up through a plan.
  2. Define measurable objectives for each marketing and sales professional.
  3. Use technology to automate processes.
  4. Update the buyer persona definition whenever necessary.

Your teams can work in alignment and the benefits will be reflected in the growth and productivity of your business.

Brief conclusion on combining marketing techniques with Inbound

Many brands wonder what the difference is between Inbound and generating an SEO or SEM campaign, sending a newsletter, writing on social networks and other separate actions. In reality, the only difference is that Inbound combines all the strategies and foresees how the user will react to each one of them.

will they come to us because of a paid search? Maybe it means they have a very clear need. Will they come to us because of a Facebook post? Maybe they already follow you on social media. Or maybe they did a Google search and found you.

In any case, the big difference between running your strategy separately and doing it with Inbound Marketing is that everything is interconnected at both campaign and platform level. Keeping all your actions centralised will allow you to be more consistent with your decisions.

Things have changed, and unlike traditional marketing, Inbound creates valuable experiences that generate a positive impact on both people and the company. How? With useful and relevant content that attracts prospects and visitors to your website.

Stop trying to get your audience's attention. With Inbound, you'll attract qualified leads naturally. Do they need you? They find you.

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