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The importance of a good briefing for your audiovisual project

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what do you need to be clear about before starting an audiovisual project? What does the marketing agency need to know about you? What do you need to do when you know you need a video?

The most original video in the world is useless if it doesn't manage to increase your company's sales or make the audience remember your brand. Now that you know what you need and you are going to use a specialised agency for the production of your project, you must be very clear about what you are going to tell them. The result of your video will depend on all the information you provide your agency with in the briefing (objectives, limitations, descriptions, times, designs...).

But what exactly is this document? Come with us, because we are going to tell you all about it.

what is a briefing?

Brief, briefing... Call it what you want, but never forget how to do it. This document contains the most important information to start planning or executing a project. It is the design of a path we are going to follow to satisfy the client's needs. Because it is the client who describes in this document his objectives, his wishes and his concerns about a project to an agency or supplier. And although it is very common to find it in advertising agencies, many sectors demand it.

The briefing is essential to put the client's interests on the table and let the company know and satisfy them. But listen to this: the key is not to do it, but to do it well. If you get it right, the agency will understand much better what you need and will respond to your objectives with delicacy and concreteness. Effective work and quick results. The briefing is not only important for you, it is also important for the agency, because it marks the starting point to start working, and if you do not raise it correctly, they will spend hours and effort in vain.

The best starts with you, the way you prepare the brief will determine what you get in return.

what are the things to remember when doing a video briefing?

When you commission a project to a marketing agency, the client-agency communication sets the guidelines and the final result. A multitude of objectives and decisions about the video will depend on it (music, tone, language, script, theme, type of piece, duration, actors, graphic elements, signs and special effects, lighting, scenery, colour...). Pre-production, production and post-production are ready to start working on your project.

What should never be missing from your briefing content:

  • Project objective: What do you want to achieve with this video? With this answer you are going to condition the approach of the audiovisual project, so it is important that you are clear about your objectives.
  • Targetaudience. Who do you want to reach? It is important to be clear about the buyer persona or audience to whom the project is going to be addressed, because the language, style and design of the video will depend on this. And, of course, the dissemination channels. Not all users are on the same social networks.
  • Brand description: What is your company like? A brief description will be very useful to know how to focus the video, what values to transmit in order to be in line with the company and what colours to use.
  • Specific needs. What do you need? Many times, you may already have a clear idea of how you want the project to be oriented. If this is your case, you must specify it clearly in the briefing so that the agency takes it into account when making a proposal and executing it.
  • KPI (Key Performance Indicators): How are you going to measure the effectiveness of the work? At this point it is important to know what your objectives are in order to measure the results. For example: develop a marketing campaign to get X visits to your website. If the objectives can be measured, you should include them in your brief.
  • Budget: If the agency already has a budget for the type of work you need, they should reflect this in their proposals, but first you should give them information about how much money you have available for the project.
  • Timing: What are the deadlines? This information will be essential for the agency to plan and organise itself.
  • Look&Feel: Do you already have an idea of the aesthetics you need for your video? Can you provide examples? They will serve as a reference for the agency and it will be much easier for them to get closer to the result you have in mind.
  • Delivery format and technical specifications. The design must be adapted to the format in which it will be presented, and that is why it is important to show the technical specifications of the design you want to be delivered. If you don't know, you can also clarify where the design will be used (web, print, etc.).

With these points you will define everything the agency needs to start working on your audiovisual project with the guarantee that it will be an effective result. Just what you need. The more specific you are and the more information you provide, the better the spirit of the company will be transmitted and the more creative your project will be.

how will the briefing help the agency in charge of your project?

As an agency, on many occasions, we have heard things like: 'It's a quick and easy project' or 'I don't have time'. Preparing your brief is an important process when starting an audiovisual project because it will determine what you get in return. It is not enough to create the most original video in the world, because it can easily become an inefficient product if it doesn't meet the client's needs and they are not satisfied.

Help us to understand perfectly what you want. Give wings to the communication. Flow so that the work is done as quickly as possible and the modifications are minimal. And remember to tell everything in your briefing, that 'what is not communicated, does not exist', nor will it be transmitted in your video, no matter how professional the marketing agency is. And do not despair if you have never created a document like this, you can start by asking questions like these:

  • what is your purpose?
  • what problem are you facing?
  • do you know of a solution to the problem?
  • what message do you want to convey and how?
  • what are your company values?
  • what can't be missing in this project?

And if you hurry, everything you can tell us about the material and resources you have available to make the video will come in handy. The first steps are always difficult, brainstorming, writing the script, approving it, etc., but thanks to the briefing, the path is much easier.

are you ready to exceed your expectations? We all win. The wise men talk about triumph, but we prefer to call it a draw

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