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How and why to welcome a subscriber who signs up

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Once a user trusts you by giving you their details, you can't let them down. That's why it's essential to greet them with a welcome email. Today we tell you why it's important to send this email and how to do it. You can't miss it!

why is it so important to send a welcome email?

  1. you make a good first impression. When you enter any kind of physical or offline establishment, the first thing you expect them to do for you is to greet you with a greeting, right? It is a basic social rule of education and if it is not met, of course the first impression you will take away from the place is not going to be as good as it could have been. Well, in the online world things don't change at all.

  2. it's the email with the highest open rate, which means you'll never have a better opportunity to get your message across, win your subscriber's sympathy or receive their important feedback; use it to start generating engagement!

  3. it has a higher conversion rate compared to other emails. When someone receives a welcome email within seconds of signing up to your list, they are more likely to take the actions you ask them to take, including buying from you (especially if you've rewarded them with a discount coupon or exclusive offer for signing up).

Cómo y por qué dar la bienvenida a un suscriptor que se da de alta

Top tips for writing a great welcome email

With very little text and relatively little effort, you can squeeze your welcome email to bring you a lot of benefits. With what it costs to get a lead, don't miss an opportunity:

  • Don't keep anyone waiting. Schedule your welcome email to be sent the moment they sign up. The people on your list should understand from the start that they are important to you, and they will be much more likely to read it immediately, as they will still be connected.
  • Show your politeness - "hello" and "thank you" come first. You can be approachable without ever losing your brand voice. Then, take the opportunity to introduce yourself (or your business) briefly.
  • Offer a complimentary gift (and deliver it early). A downloadable, your most powerful evergreen content, a special welcome offer or a discount coupon works very well to win the data of new followers of your brand. It can even lead to a first sale. Of course, even more important is trust: if you promised something to your subscribers, don't make them wait to give it to you.
  • Offer personalised content. Take advantage of this first contact to invite your new subscriber to read an article from your blog that you think will be of special interest to them. You can also ask them to tell you what type of content or promotions they would like to receive. Give them a choice of several options to click on.
  • Let the reader be the protagonist. If you already know your buyer and you know his tastes and needs, what if, instead of talking about you and what you sell, you talk to him about how you and your products can help him? It is practically the same, but with a different approach in which he is the centre.
  • Tell them what your relationship will be like. Explain to your subscriber what kind of information you are going to send them, why they will find it interesting, how you are going to help them and how often they will hear from you. The idea is to make it clear to them that you are not going to send them spam, but content of interest to them, and that they will look forward to receiving your mailings.

Cómo y por qué dar la bienvenida a un suscriptor que se da de alta

  • Ifthere is any important information that your subscribers should have at hand (passwords, dates, conditions or instructions of any kind, etc.), offer it in the welcome email.
  • Ifyou have an eCommerce and you have given them a discount coupon, recommend some of your star products to encourage them to use it now.
  • Make them want to follow you on your networks. No, it is not enough to ask them to follow you on social media: give them an incentive to do so. For example, tell them what benefits they will get from following your publications on these channels.
  • Write an email that invites them to read it. Use simple and direct language, keep paragraphs and sentences short and don't go overboard with the length.
  • Seek interaction. Try to engage with your subscriber from the very beginning. Say goodbye by asking them a question, encouraging them to introduce themselves or asking them to share an experience with you.

  • Do A/B testing. Divide your list into two groups and send slightly different emails to each. This will help you see which types of subject lines, calls to action or formats increase your open rate, convert more or improve your CTR.

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