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Corporate Video: An art in the world of digital marketing.

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When we talk about corporate videos we have different options depending on what we want to transmit and how to do it. Companies and brands are looking for the key to attract attention and thus achieve a special bond with the client, and one of the best ways to do this is through a good corporate video that gives a good image of the company or what it offers.

A corporate video is a high quality audiovisual production that allows to show first-hand facilities, processes or experiences in a truthful and close way. These videos are the perfect letter of introduction, as they are used to transmit corporate values, brand identity, history, social responsibility, vision and mission, organisational structure, professional development, strategy, etc. The target audience includes customers, suppliers, shareholders and other stakeholders.

vídeo corporativo

Knowing how to create a good corporate video is an art, as it involves making it taking into account these key aspects, added to important ingenuity and creativity in order to reach customers:

  1. Be direct: We are aware of the immense amount of information that users are exposed to every day on the Internet, so it is very important to be brief and concise, and not lose the viewer's attention by telling them exactly what they want and need.
  2. Awaken a feeling: Your video must have something different from the others, so it is vital to have a good idea that reaches the emotions of the client, whether through humour, surprise, tension, emotion... the important thing is that your company's corporate video is not just one more of all those that circulate on the Internet.
  3. Knowing the needs of the client: It is very important to know what the client is looking for and/or needs in order to focus on this when making our corporate video.
  4. A good video production: For a corporate video to be truly attractive it is necessary that it is well made, with a good script, an effective message and, of course, an elaborate and quality production. For this, the best option is to hire a good professional audiovisual production company with experience that can make all aspects of the video correctly and advise your ideas if necessary. This point is key to the success of any corporate video.

For example, Auren, the leading firm in the provision of professional audit, legal, consulting and corporate services, has released a new corporate video.

It is called "Nothing is fortuitous". This video, in just under a couple of minutes, talks about emotions as something shared all over the world and talks about the calm and confidence that Auren is able to offer. An expert appears in the countryside, a scenario that conveys an atmosphere of calm and naturalness, this expert tells how the facial expression of happiness was catalogued as universal in the 90's, the year in which Auren's company was born in Spain. Coincidence? Nothing is fortuitous!

At Occam Digital Agency we create exclusive corporate videos for you. We have a team of specialised professionals, which allows us to create creative and original products to give a great and clean image of your company, products and services. Contact us through our website.


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