Inbound Marketing News Blog

7 Solutions for NGOs that you can achieve with a CRM like HubSpot

Written by Laila Belali | Aug 17, 2023 10:38:54 AM

Just like private for-profit companies, NGOs and foundations also face a number of challenges such as recruiting new members, building loyalty among existing members and improving the effectiveness of their campaigns. In this situation, it is imperative to have a tool that offers the necessary solutions to meet these challenges, such as HubSpot's CRM.

Today's donors demand more than just an ATM; they want personalised and effective communication. A CRM like HubSpot will help organisations track, collect and manage important data about donors, volunteers, staff members and projects. These authentic relationships will enable NGOs and non-profits to build trust and greater engagement with their donors.

But what are the solutions that HubSpot's CRM can bring to NGOs?

we'll tell you all about them in this post!

How HubSpot works for NGOs

HubSpot is an all-in-one marketing platform. From customer acquisition to closing conversions, through the fundraising process, HubSpot unifies the entire sales funnel and shows which marketing and communication actions work and which don't. Its CRM allows non-profit organisations to control their content, channels and marketing performance, while providing a 360-degree view of the key people they need to reach with their campaigns.

HubSpot aims to improve marketing strategies and communications for nonprofits by..:

  • Attract donors through personalised campaigns
  • Encourage engagement with existing customers
  • Build a support base by providing centralised data and analytics

HubSpot Solutions for NGOs

#1 Database to manage your donors

HubSpot comes with a CRM that functions as a central database to store and manage donor information.

Each contact profile is automatically populated with every interaction you and your staff have with a contact, meaning you never have to be in the dark about where you stand with one of your donors, allowing you to craft personalised messages in your interactions and ensure that all necessary steps are taken to secure donations and maintain relationships with your donors.

HubSpot also provides meeting tools so you can generate and schedule meetings with your most important donors directly through the software. You can also leverage HubSpot's tracking codes to attribute donations to specific campaigns, contacts and website interactions.

#2 Custom email templates

Even if you work for a non-profit, you'll want your email communications to fit your brand and appeal to the reader. HubSpot's CRM has a wide range of email templates with drag-and-drop functionality and CTA builders, so you can design emails to look the way you want them to, no programming skills required. This alone saves you the money it would cost to hire someone to create them for you.

#3 Track the documents you share

HubSpot's document tracking tool allows you to create a library of frequently used content that you can easily distribute via your email, and then track each one: Who signed what? Who needs to follow up? You can even see who has seen the document, but hasn't interacted with it yet. This information will let you know what's working well and what needs to be changed to incentivise the donor to take action.

#4 Reporting dashboards to see your effectiveness

Any organisation - for-profit or non-profit - should be able to know if their efforts are effective. How many people visit your website? Read your emails? Make donations? Have they contacted you as a direct result of a specific marketing campaign? HubSpot tracks the performance of all your efforts: website activity, marketing emails, revenue generated by each campaign, etc... You can also set them up to be viewed in any way that makes them easy for you and your teams to read.

#5 Workflows for automated communications

One of HubSpot's most effective tools is its workflows. This tool allows you to automate email communications based on a user's behaviour - for example, sending a thank you email after a donation, or additional instructions to a volunteer, or a resource page to a community member who contacted you for help.

You can also set up workflows to follow up with people who have fallen off the radar and try to re-engage them with your organisation.

#6 Lead nurturing for long-term relationships

The nature of non-profit organisations often requires building long-term relationships with potential customers, especially those who share values and have shown interest in donating their time and/or money. And this doesn't just happen with one event or communication. HubSpot simplifies this process with its contact segmentation capabilities and drip campaigns. You can schedule a collection of communications based on specific goals (brand awareness, education or celebration, to name a few).

#7 HubSpot's programme for non-profit organisations

HubSpot has a programme for all non-profit organisations looking to increase efficiency and boost fundraising. If you're accepted into the programme, you'll get exclusive access to HubSpot's best-in-class software at a 40% discount. The programme includes access to HubSpot's flexible CRM, website CMS tools, email marketing tools and social media management solutions, as well as tailored onboarding for non-profits.

The programme also includes a nonprofit resource library, featured integrations and a community message board where you can ask questions and collaborate with other nonprofits in the programme.

want to get your hands on HubSpot's CRM?

Your wish is our command - at Occam we have an excellent onboarding programme that will make your initial setup process on the HubSpot platform much easier. All you have to do is tell us what your goals are, and we'll tailor the platform to your every need.

While you think about it, request a consultation with Occam to solve all your doubts.