Inbound Marketing News Blog

Weekly newsletters: what are the advantages?

Written by Laura Casas | Aug 17, 2023 10:21:55 AM

Newsletters are informative emails sent by companies with the latest news about the brand, whether they are offers, new product launches, a compilation of the latest blog posts, etc. Sending them every week can be a bit overwhelming for users, although they are also necessary to keep them up to date.

what is a newsletter for?

Newsletters stand out for their great potential for conversion and loyalty. Due to their low cost, brands are able to impact their users more times, thus maintaining a continuous link with them. They also generate so-called web traffic, a way to further stimulate sales of their products or services.

However, when it comes to these communications, we must be careful, innovative and think of the user first. In the same way, it is essential to carry out what is known as hyper-segmentation, i.e., do not send the same thing to everyone, but first segment the communications so that you attract more attention.

5 reasons why you should use newsletters

  1. Email is still one of the media with the longest lifecycle today, even more than the famous social networks.
  2. 91% of marketers check email at least once a day.
  3. Email is the primary lead generation channel for marketers.
  4. The public that receives them are interested and predisposed to receive that content.
  5. It does not require a large financial investment and allows you to drive more traffic to your website.

what are the advantages of weekly newsletters?

  • They are a simple and direct way to communicate with customers or users every week.
  • They allow us to inform them first hand of the latest news about our brand.
  • The email is usually checked daily, so it is easy for your users to see the email and, by doing it daily, providing a weekly newsletter does not seem so burdensome,
  • Users are usually subscribers who have previously subscribed to the blog or website, so they are interested in receiving information and it is a perfect filter.
  • It has a very affordable cost since most platforms are free.
  • It helps to build customer loyalty.
  • They are very useful for SMEs.

In addition to these advantages, there are two main disadvantages to take into account: the first is that it is sometimes difficult to get users to subscribe and the second is that the opening rate of emails has dropped, partly because of spam.

what tools are available to create our newsletters?

  1. Mailchimp can help you manage your subscriber lists, create email campaigns and review campaign reports.
  2. MDirector, which provides very complete data and allows SMS Marketing, an action that we have been forgetting, but that we should continue to take into account.
  3. Doppler is not bad if you are a company that is just starting out in the world of email marketing, it allows you to send emails to around 500 subscribers.

6 key tips to increase email open rates

Finally, to close the topic of newsletters, we are going to give you some tips to increase your open rate.

  1. Review your subscriber list and make it more attractive. This is also where the so-called double opt-in system comes in. This consists of sending an email with a link once the desired and interested person has subscribed. If this contact really wants to subscribe or get information, he or she will click on the link again.
  2. Know your audience and segment your campaigns. As we have already mentioned, hyper-segmentation is necessary to offer the best content to each user. Some of the ways in which you can segment them are: by sex, by age, by geographic location, by the position in the company they work for or by their interest in receiving commercial offers.
  3. Choose a suitable day and time to send emails. As a warning, in general, Monday is usually a bad day to send emails. You are coming back from the weekend and finding your inbox full to overflowing is not very pleasant. The same happens on Friday, since on that day you usually leave your inbox and email clean to rest and disconnect for the weekend. So from Tuesday to Thursday you can choose your favourite option or the one that you think will be most successful.
  4. Take care of the first impressions. As in life, in general, first impressions count a lot, so a good image of your email and newsletter from the beginning can score you many points.
  5. Set up an effective CTA. A call to action is a message that can sometimes be a reason for failure for many email marketing campaigns. Consider that if your CTA is not visible, the user may not even be interested in looking for it. However, do not saturate your emails with them and look for an attractive or curious call to action. You can use text, images, bold fonts, etc...
  6. Write your emails in the first person. The tone of your emails should be as if you were talking to a single person. It is also better to speak in "tú" rather than "usted" to bring proximity to the situation. If your company allows it, you can even add emoticons, gifs and funny memes, always depending on the audience you are addressing. In addition, for most SMEs, it is easier for subscribers to associate the company with the person they usually talk to, rather than with the name of the company.