Inbound Marketing News Blog

what is a vlog and why is it becoming a trend?

Written by Celia Cerrillo | Aug 1, 2023 8:01:45 AM

You are probably consuming vlogs in your daily life. Millions of users consume this type of content every day on YouTube. What many don't know is that vlogs can also help us to grow our business and can help us to launch our brand further. Would you like to know how?

what is a vlog?

To say that a vlog is the same as a blog but in video is a way of quickly defining what a vlog is. But first of all, what is a blog?

Well, blogs are creative spaces that contain information mainly written in depth in a specific field. For example, we can find recipe blogs, computer blogs, business blogs, marketing blogs, technology blogs... and we can always find them on the web.

In these blogs there is always one or more people behind the posts who could be considered content creators and who are able to write specific information in an original and concise way so that their posts can reach the knowledge of all users. For example, this you are reading is a blog post from the Occam Agencia Digital website where we talk about news, techniques and strategies related to Inbound Marketing.

When we talk about vlogs, on the other hand, we are referring to content that is in video format but has practically the same purposes as a blog. At the beginning, vlogs were nothing more than videos that were included in blog posts to accompany the text and make it more dynamic. However, with the rise of video platforms like YouTube, vlogs have gone from being an accessory to our posts to become the only protagonists.

Content creators, as in written blogs, often use videos to give information about something specific, show areas of their daily lives, reflect on specific issues, express some feelings.... In short, they take advantage of the tool of vlogs to be closer to users, because when we see a person through a screen, talking to us, showing us the routine of their life, we share opinions or ideals with them, etc. People feel more connected to the content creators and we feel more than just users, but we could consider ourselves followers.

One of the main reasons why vlogs are booming is because of the use that content creators (also influencers) have made of them to show their daily lives on social networks such as YouTube and in this way be closer to their followers. They are becoming a success because users like to see people going about their lives, showing their routines, the products they use in their day-to-day lives, etc.

Although the main use of vlogs or videoblogs is as a tool for influencers, this does not mean that companies cannot use them to grow their business, or use influencers' vlogs to promote themselves and gain visibility.

The good thing about this format is that we don't need a lot of resources or invest a lot of money to get started in this world. You just need a camera, some knowledge of video editing and a lot of creativity and desire to win over the public.

I suppose that at this point you are thinking... but what if I don't have a camera? How do I do it? Don't worry! Many of the vlogs that we regularly consume on YouTube are recorded with the camera of a mobile phone and the quality of the videos that we can record with our device really have nothing to envy to the "more professional" cameras. Our smartphones are prepared to record quality content that can be published on video content platforms, such as YouTube.

how can vlogging help my business?

Before starting to launch content on the web, it is important to know how to organise ourselves and ask ourselves some questions that will help us to focus a little more on what we want to show and how we are going to do it.

"What do we want to show? This is the first question we should ask ourselves before we start recording our videos. On YouTube you can find videos of all kinds, ranging from a person's day-to-day life and make-up routines, for example, to videos that explain how to solve any computer problem that may arise.

The important thing is not only to know what you are going to talk about, but to talk about something you can handle and have the knowledge to do.

If we already know what we are going to talk about, we must consider where we are going to publish our content. There are many video platforms where we can upload our content, however Youtube is the most chosen by content creators. It is a fairly intuitive and simple platform when it comes to uploading our work as well as being free, which is especially useful if we are just starting out in this adventure.

As we already know, the creation of a blog with a series of posts that talk about our products or about terms that are related to the work of our brand is essential for our business. However, the creation and publication of vlogs can be more complicated for our company, especially if we don't know how to approach them.

It is important to know that, whether we are a company or an individual business, our vlogs on YouTube can be monetised, and therefore can add value to our business. Monetisation is achieved through the ads that appear before our videos start and will increase as more people view and click on them.

However, getting our videos monetised and profitable can be a costly process, but there are other alternatives through which we can take advantage of this new trend of vlogs.

If you definitely consider that recording and publishing vlogs is not something that could be profitable for your business, there is also the option of taking advantage of content creators' vlogs to advertise on them. Getting our videos monetised and profitable can be a costly process, but there are other alternatives through which we can take advantage of this new trend of vlogs .

That is, as we mentioned before, vlogs are monetised when they contain advertisements or when the content creators appear in the videos talking about a product or service and its features. This is why we can take advantage of this tool to contact influencers or content creators who already have a number of followers and views and who match the target of our brand so that they can advertise for us.

In this way we will not only achieve a greater number of public towards our brand or an increase in visits to our website, but we can also increase the recognition of our brand.

Either way we would be achieving one of the main objectives of inbound marketing: being where our audience is and knowing how to give visibility to our brand. If we manage to show our products or services through content creators we will also gain a large audience. After all, if a person (influencer) that users consider trustworthy shows them a product that works very well, why wouldn't users want to try it?

In short, taking the plunge into the vlogging pool is quite an adventure, but as we always say, you have to know how to keep up to date with trends and take advantage of them to boost your business.