Inbound Marketing News Blog

Occam Digital Agency prepares to land at INBOUND 2019

Written by Silvia Solera | Aug 17, 2023 9:53:53 AM

A year ago, we were right here. Wondering what the Inbound Marketing trends would be in 2018. The shake-ups that were here to stay. And look at us. Here we are still, more refreshed, more sceptical, more up-to-date and perhaps a little older.

We are fully into 2019 and thinking about what is to come. We are ambitious, because we like to be at the cutting edge. And if possible, at the forefront. Learning FROM and WITH professionals. Committing ourselves and giving ourselves. Communicating our lifestyle with facts and results. We are characterised by a passion for communicating the right message, in the right place and at the right time. Which is the same as a passion for listening.

Between one thing and another... We are preparing our suitcase to travel to Boston for the second consecutive year, but we have left an empty space reserved for the knowledge, the trends, the changes and the spirit that we are going to meet there, and bring it with us. We want to be accomplices of the most remarkable business event in the world. We want to be witnesses of INBOUND 2019.

join us!

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what does INBOUND 2019 sound like to you?

A blast of fresh air is coming over the American sky. An annual experience with curious, innovative, dazzling, dreamy, and entrepreneurial practitioners pitching their questions to renowned thinkers and practitioners. Brian Halligan and Darmesh Shah, co-founders of HubSpot. Co-authors of Inbound Marketing: Get Found Using Google, Social Media and Blogs.

And other names expected this year: Women who have inspired with their mental strength and their contribution to the Inbound fever, such as Elizabeth Gilbert; producers such as Jason Blum, Oscar nominee and two-time Emmy and Peabody winner; and hundreds of dreamers who will share their way of life connected to this methodology.

Women and men. Entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs. Daring professionals. 250+ speakers have pressed the lever of change and will inject it through their talks, their gestures, their energy, their one-on-one sessions and their brilliant minds. They will introduce it by sharing and connecting with the audience. With shows, comedy, interactive forums, fun, food and friends.

We are united in spirit.

what's in store for Inbound 2019?

We have already given you some clues about what this event is going to be like. We are looking forward to experiencing a different start to September. Consumers' preferences and habits never cease to surprise us year after year. Just look at how the conversion funnel has been turning into a wheel that turns. Or how texts are increasingly being projected in audiovisual format. Because it's better to see it than read it, or to be told about it, don't you think?

That's why we have no choice but to wait for wisdom and trends, surprises that will leave us indifferent.

Business experts, producers, CEOs, founders, actors, executives... A very wide field of professionals and sectors will talk to us about their unlimited experience so that you - so that we - who yearn for an explosion of positive energy, learn new and very clear ways to move forward with our brand and in harmony with the needs of our clients.

tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Four days, four days of spotlight and breakout sessions, overdoses of experience. Alexis Ohanian, Nick Mehta, Joy Rains and Liz J. Simpson are just a few names on a long list prepared for the most anticipated event of the year.

want to experience it with Occam?

What's happened in a year..

  • Flywheel: Turn, turn, turn, turn!

We still remember when Brian Halligan spoke to us at INBOUND 2018 about the most effective alternative for the conversion funnel. The funnel has marked the beginning of a methodology. Of the steps a user had to take to fulfil a certain purpose within the website (a purchase, a sales opportunity, etc.). It has always been brutal to know where we should focus our efforts. But what has happened?

It seems that this linear approach is not the best way to measure growth. For Halligan "funnels generate customers, but they don't consider how they can help you grow".

Since then, we have been talking about flywheel. A process that allows us to build on the momentum when we get a customer, keeping them turning and contributing to loyalty. All this happens while the funnel loses that momentum. It is a process with a beginning and an end. In flywheel, the opposite is true. It is a circular evolution in which customers feed growth. Attract, Engage and Delight.

  • Video and more video.

And we could not end this section without talking about this year's star of the show. As the forecasts promised: VIDEO IS ALREADY THE KING OF THE INTERNET!

"It can increase conversion by 80%", "55% of people watch videos online every day", and "8 out of 10 users aged 18-49 watch YouTube".

These are data from Focalizando that reflect the audiovisual impact on society. Can you imagine the number of things you could do if you also used it as part of your marketing strategy? To present your team, to explain the features of a product, to show how you are doing at an event, to support the content of your blogs... A spot, an attractive and simple audiovisual pill, a tutorial to eliminate doubts, with infographics and motion graphics.

When it comes to video marketing, there are hundreds of possibilities, and you are just one step away from trying them out.

We have grown up feeding on patience and firmness

Today, we're not starting anything new either. We're simply continuing what should never be interrupted: our love for Inbound Marketing. What brings you here?

The passage of time has not been in vain for Occam. We have rewound to remember what this year has been like. From June to June. We have fought, we have dreamed and we have laughed. But, above all, we have been constant and reactive to the voices that promised a change, a new way of facing the Inbound way.

And while we were assuming that the conversion funnel was going to be transformed, that consumers were crying out for audiovisual content, that 2019 was going to be the year of video marketing, that customer loyalty would be one of the most important parts of the process, that video was going to be brutal for the reputation of brands and that while we were adapting to these changes new trends were being generated, we were proclaimed Gold Partner of HubSpot.

And because we know that the results of our future depend on the decisions we make today, our team is already doing video marketing.

The time has come to say goodbye. We have to continue packing our suitcase and we don't want to leave anything behind. When we return, we will tell you everything we have learned. But as we are getting to know each other and we know that you are a curious person, we will leave you some impressions on our social networks. We will be sharing this moment with you.

Remember: 3, 4, 5 and 6 September, we take off!