Inbound Marketing News Blog

How to apply a call to action (CTA) in IT companies

Written by Silvia Solera | Aug 17, 2023 9:50:23 AM

how do I use a call to action? How is it applied in the IT sector? What functions does it fulfil? What should an efficient call to action look like in IT companies?

Asking questions is the first step to finding an answer. It means that we have become aware of the problem or need. Questioning fundamental logic helps us to grow, to get out of our comfort zone. That is why, if you have come this far, it means that you are looking for answers to the questions we have just asked you.

congratulations, you have taken the first step to success.

what is a call to action or CTA?

When we talk about calls to action or CTA, we can intuit that it is an element whose main objective is to capture attention. Indeed, it is. We are referring to a button capable of promoting an offer and linking to a landing page or landing page. In short, they are business assets. Recognising them and knowing how to carry them out is our next step.

how to make an efficient CTA in our company in the IT sector?

Best practices always take time, whatever the subject matter. Applied to the Inbound methodology in general, and to calls to action in particular, investing our time will lead to successful results. To do this, we must focus on the conversion stage, where, as the name suggests, we convert visitors into sales opportunities. What can we do to make this happen?

A CTA is the key to the conversion process, the first step to lead creation. It doesn't determine that a lead will actually happen, but it does show that something is working. Then, the process begins: when a visitor clicks on a CTA, they are directed directly to a landing page. There, they fill in a form with the requested data and become a contact. And most importantly, you have a sales opportunity! You may ask yourself: What now?

After this journey, the visitor or prospect arrives at a thank you page, the place where they will receive the content you have offered them.

where should we place the CTAs?

The answer to this question is directly linked to the online place we are working with. Placing calls to action in IT companies will be the first step to convert visitors into sales opportunities. They can be placed in blogs, on web pages and in emails, always linked to the content we are talking about.

  • Website: It can be the first thing that appears when entering the page, and the first thing the visitor encounters. Ideally, it should be placed in a place where it is easily visible to your visitors and where it makes sense to someone who wants to click on it. A CTA is a fundamental element of any responsive design.
  • Blog: We usually place them at the end of the content, otherwise it could interrupt the reading process. Placing it at the end, in fact, can make the visitor understand that it is the next step to follow. However, they can also appear in the sidebar to indicate other content offers.
  • Email: CTAs can appear at the end of text, paragraphs or even sentences.

In reality, there is no right or wrong place to place CTAs. What really matters is to capture attention, tailor it, and not cause distractions.

what role do they play in the conversion process?

To activate it. That is the main objective of calls to action or CTAs. To start a path capable of providing opportunities for both your company and visitors, to provide effective help. A path that begins with a click and that can end with a loyal customer and promoter of your company in the IT sector. At this point, it is important to remember that it is very important to segment our target audience and know them in depth to choose the best call to action according to our objectives.

Necessary elements to create an efficient CTA in the IT sector companies

A CTA is a key to success, which is why it is advisable for our company to use the best practices when creating them. Thus, the factors that we must take into account to achieve an efficient and effective call to action are the following:

  • Action-oriented. Remember that the purpose is for our visitors to do a certain action, for example: download an eBook or watch a video. We should not leave too much room for our visitors to think about what they should do, we simply have to tell them. To do this, it is advisable to use clear and direct verbs. For example: 'Download the free guide on how to take care of your dog'.
  • Consistency in the keywords: These should be directly related to the topic we are talking about, as well as to the offer and the target page to which the CTA directs us. When establishing the keywords in our company in the IT sector, it is important to remember that using them during the conversion process will help visitors to convert into sales opportunities.
  • Keep it short: The call to action should not take up too much space, because the content comes first, and everything else is secondary.
  • Capture attention. Sometimes, we may think that the colour and the images used are the two main elements for our CTA to attract attention. This is a mistake, as many other elements have an influence, such as: size, words used, the tastes of our buyers, how they browse the web pages, etc. Achieving cohesion and concordance between all of them will be our priority objective during its creation.
  • Location: The place where we place them influences the attraction of our visitors' attention.
  • Test the changes and analyse the results. Changing the size, the colour, the location, the words, step by step, as well as observing the results obtained in each of these modifications, can help us to determine which CTA works best for our visitors. Finally, we will be able to implement it.
  • Clearly determine who we are targeting. It is essential to carry out segmentation, as it will make the attraction more effective and, as a consequence, there will be a greater chance of conversion.

Promote the conversion of your visitors

Set goals - think about how many visitors you want to respond to CTAs and reach landing pages, how many you want to submit the form, and how many you want to convert into sales opportunities. The more the merrier, right? Calls to action in the IT sector are critical to your success.

In short, to make an effective CTA in the IT sector, it needs to be easy to see, stand out, be consistent and consistent with the content and the page, and capture attention.

Promoting the conversion of sales opportunities is your goal, not your readers'. Achieving it is not the end of the road. It doesn't end here. The process has just begun.