Inbound Marketing News Blog

Happy International Women's Day

Written by Paula Jiménez | Aug 17, 2023 9:55:55 AM

Today, as every year, International Women's Day is celebrated around the world to commemorate the struggle for equality, justice and development at all levels for women. For more than a century, on 8 March, women all over the world, regardless of their ethnic, cultural, linguistic, economic and political differences, have come together to celebrate this day.

Although it had previously been celebrated on other dates throughout history, in 1913-1914, as a result of the peace movements that arose on the eve of World War I, Russian women celebrated their first International Women's Day on the last Sunday in February of that year, according to the Julian calendar then used in Russia. In the rest of Europe, women celebrated it around 8 March of the following year, according to the Gregorian calendar, to protest against the war and to show solidarity with other women.

However, it was in 1975 that the United Nations first celebrated International Women's Day on 8 March as a key date, coinciding with International Women's Year. For in 1945, the United Nations signed the first international agreement affirming the principle of equality between women and men. Since then, the UN has helped to create various strategies, norms, programmes and internationally agreed goals to improve the status of women around the world.

Actualmente, este día señalado, representa para todas las mujeres el orgullo de estar poco a poco consiguiendo esa igualdad, libertad y justicia por la que tanto se ha luchado. De esta manera nos gusta homenajear tal día como hoy a muchas mujeres que han dejado huella debido a los logros que han conseguido a lo largo de la historia de la humanidad. Por ejemplo, la famosa pintora mejicana Frida Khalo, la primera médica argentina Cecilia Grierson, la egipcia Lotfia El Nadi como primera mujer piloto de la historia, la arqueóloga turca Halet Çambel, primera mujer musulmana en competir en los Juegos Olímpicos, la pionera astronauta estadounidense Sally Ride, La inglesa Ada Lovelace por ser la primera persona en programar en el mundo de la computación, la cantante y activista sudafricana Miriam Makeba, o Lina Bo Bardi por ser una de las arquitectas más reconocidas del mundo, entre otras muchas increíbles mujeres que han marcado la Historia.

We know that the fight for women's rights is not over yet and this day is the reason for many demonstrations in favour of the equality of the female gender. Therefore, more than 50 countries have mobilized today for equality against gender violence, for the right to decide on their maternity or for the wage gap that still exists between men and women. In Spain, Belgium, Poland, Ukraine, Turkey, Japan, have stopped working, consuming, participating in domestic care for a while and have taken to the streets to show what would happen if women stopped doing their jobs.

From Occam Agencia Digital we wish all women a happy 8th March and that you never stop fighting for your equality and rights in order to live one day in a fair and equal World.