Inbound Marketing News Blog

How to improve internal communication with a Back Office

Written by Silvia Solera | Aug 17, 2023 10:00:02 AM

In an increasingly competitive scenario, companies must take advantage of all their resources to ensure their survival and growth in the market, and this requires starting the digital transformation process from the inside and projecting it outwards.

For this reason, many companies are applying Artificial Intelligence (AI) in fundamental tasks for the company: administrative (planning, organisation, support and back-up, adjustment to current regulations...), invoicing (recording and sending invoices, taxes, amounts, suppliers...), order management (inventories, processing, after-sales service...), accounting (collections and payments), internal communication (with workers and between departments).

The role of ICT is essential to streamline these tasks and improve the image of the company. In this post we are going to share with you how the improvement of internal communication influences the functioning of the organisation. Ready?

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what is internal company communication?

Internal communication is communication aimed at the employee and is born out of a company's need to motivate its people and retain talent in a changing and competitive environment. Talking to employees is no longer an option, but a necessity, considered key to inspire and align the entire organisation.

It is important, necessary and a priority to ensure the smooth running of the company, because remember: What is not communicated, does not exist. Imagine how poor communication between two departments working on the same project can affect... Duplicated work, lack of solidity, unfulfilled objectives and decreased productivity.

Many SMEs focus on the external environment and work daily on their social networks to attract more users or interact with consumers. However, they forget that none of their actions would make sense without the basis of good internal communication. This is the great challenge for companies in the 21st century. In an increasingly connected environment, there are hundreds of communication channels through which to keep in touch with the administrative area, with the Operations team or any other. Collaborative work is facilitated.

Think about your company's invoice management. Surely, customers and other stakeholders are involved in the process, but how do you manage all the requests? How much time do you spend? How do you communicate with users? Do you use internal channels? Creating a Back Office to manage invoices, customers and other stakeholders in a management software would be the ideal step to facilitate this process.

However, this is just a simple example of what you could achieve by improving the internal management of your company. Are you committed to a quality back office?

Keys to improve your company's internal communication

The digital ecosystem in which millions of people move every day is no longer just important, but vital for any company. It offers many essential tools for operation and productivity, sustainability, growth... In 2020, we are no longer faced with one-way communication, but two-way and constant feedback.

Internal and external communication is essential to recover from any crisis that may occur both inside and outside the company. Over the years, we have seen numerous cases of communication crises, such as the one suffered by Samsung Galaxy Note 7 when it suffered more than 5,000 million dollars in losses, or IKEA when it withdrew its dressers due to the death of several children.

These are examples of poor communication in companies, but today we want to tell you the basics to improve yours:

  • Internal communication plan: This is the first step in building employee loyalty and keeping the company's objectives and missions up to date, as well as its vision and values. This step will allow employees to understand the value of their work and to become involved and committed to the brand.
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI): After having become the great expectation of the future of the Back Office, companies are starting to apply AI in their accounting, invoicing and administration tasks. Online reservations on a hotel website and the organisation of appointments in a dental clinic are two examples of its application.

Improve your company's internal communication and optimise management and collaboration within your company.

Meet your challenges with Back Office

The improvement of Back Office processes has an impact on customer experience and company communication. Companies face a growing number of challenges every day, including the digitisation of customer relations and internal communication itself. In short, they are faced with a wide range of challenges, such as: document management, customer satisfaction, user experience, new management models, etc.

did you know that the Back Office is key to your company's internal communication? All those administrative tasks that you perform on a daily basis are related to staff management and team communication, and part of their success depends on the type of solutions that are implemented in the supervision of the departments. Technology and outsourced services are a main ally to ensure an up-to-date company.

The best way to respond to today's market challenges is by improving the Back Office. Ready to streamline tasks, innovate and increase the level of competence in your company? Tell us about it!